Bacaan yang menggambarkan proses membuat sesuatu atau memakai sesuatu secara berurutan.
Proses membuat sesuatu : how to make fried chicken (cara membuat ayam goring)
Proses memakai sesuatu : how to use lipstick (cara memakai lipstick) .
The characteristics of procedure text : ciri-ciri procedure text
- Ada 3 bagian :
Ø Title(judul),
Ø Ingredient (bahan-bahan) / material (bahan-bahan) / tool / utensil /things (alat-alat)
Ø steps(langkah-langkah)/ cooking instruction (cara masak)/ how to cook (cara memasak)/ how to make (cara membuat)/ how to use (cara menggunakan)
- Memakai present tense, tetapak sering memakai kalimat perintah
+ Yang bersifat memerintah melakukan sesuatu
Letakkan kata kerja di awal kalimat. Example :
- Cut the mango (Potonglah mangganya)
- Wash the vegetables (cucilah sayur-mayurnya)
- Fry the ingredients (goreng bahan-bahannya)
- Blend the ingredients (blender bahan-bahannya)
- Yang bersifat melarang untuk melakukan sesuatu
Letakkan Don’t di awal kalimat sebelum kata kerja,example:
- Don’t peel the mango (jangan kupas mangganya)
- Don’t put the plastic on the stove (jangan letakkan plastic di atas kompor
- Don’t cook for a long time (Jangan masak terlalu lama)
+ Yang bersifat memerintah melakuka sesustu
Letakkan be + kata sifat di awal kalimat
- Be good! (jadilah baik)
- Be happy (berbahagialah)
- Be diligent (Jadilah rajin)
- Yang bersifat melarang untuk melakukan sesuatu
Letakkan Don’t be di awal kalimat sebelum kata sifat, example:
- Don’t be lazy (jangan malas)
- Don’t be sad (jangan bersedih)
- Don’t be naughty (jangan nakal)
+ Yang bersifat memerintah melakuka sesustu
Letakkan be + kata keterangan di awal kalimat
- Be there (kesana)
- Yang bersifat melarang untuk melakukan sesuatu
Letakkan Don’t be di awal kalimat sebelum kata keteangan, example:
- Don’t be there (jangan kesana)
- Identik dengan kosakata berikut :
v 1, 2, 3 dstnya
v First : ke-1, Second : ke-2, Third : ke-3, Fourth : ke-4, Fifth : ke-5 Sixth : ke-6, Seventh : ke-7, Eight : ke-8, Ninth : ke-9, Tenth : ke-10
v Next : berikutnya
Then : kemudian
And then : dan kemudian
Last : terakhir
Steps : langkah-langkah
Before : sebelum
After : sesudah
- Kemungkinan pertanyaan:
- To tell the readers how to make in order (untuk menceritakan kepada pembaca bagaimana memakai sesuatu secara berurutan) atau
- To tell the reader how to use something in order (untuk menceritakan kepada pembaca cara menggunakan sesuatu secara berurutan)
- How many ingredients/materials are there based on the text? Berapa banyak bahan yang ada berdasarkan bacaan
- How many tools are there based on the text? Berapa banyak alat-alat yang ada berdasarkan bacaan
- How many steps are there in the text? Berapa banyak langkah-langkah yang ada berdasarkan bacaan?
- What must we do after……..? apa yang sudah dilakukan sesudah……
- What is the second step ? apa langkah kedua
- What is the last step? Apa langkah terakhir?
- What does the word……… the text mean?
- What is the synonym/similar meaning/the same meaning of the word………..?
Apa persamaan kata………
- What is the antonym/different meaning/opposite meaning of the word……..?
- And other question words
Tikka Kebbab :
Ingredients :
- Cubes of lamb
- Squares of green pepper
- Onions
- Salad
- Tikka seasoning mixture
1. Cut onion into quarters
2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewer and marinate them in Tikka seasoning
3. Grill them
4. Serve them with a salad (curry like seasoning from India)
1. What does the writer write the text for?
a. to inform how to serve a salad
b. to explain how to make a salad
c. to tell how to make Tikka Kebbab
d. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb
2. How many steps are there?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 3
Meat Floss Porridge
Ingredients :
- 250 cc hot water
- 50 gram instant porridge
- 1 spoon soya sauce
- 1 spoon chili sauce
- Crackers
- 10 gram meat floss
Suggested Preparation:
1. Put instant porridge into a bowl
2. Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well
Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened.
3. Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like)
4. Then, spread crackers and meat floss
The porridge is ready to be served.
3. How many instant porridge do you need to make the meat floss porridge?
a. 250 cc
b. 50 gram
c. 1 spoon
d. 10 gram
4. What should we do after stirring the porridge?
a. put the instant porridge into a bowl
b. add soya sauce and meat floss
c. add crackers and meat floss
d. wait for about 3 minutes
5. “…….until the porridge thickened”
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. to become solid
b. to get weak
c. to raise the volume
d. to become powder
How to make an omelet
What you’ll need:
- 3 eggs
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- ½ tablespoon of pepper
- Cheese
- Butter
What to do :
1. break three eggs in a bowl
2. add salt, pepper and some cheese
3. mix together
4. put some butter in the frying pan
5. turn the stove
6. when the butter is very hot, put the eggs in the frying pan
6. According to the text, we need……kinds of materials to make omelet.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
7. What should we do to make the butter dissolved in the frying pan?
a. turn on the stove
b. break the eggs in a bowl
c. add some hot water
d. fry for two minutes
8. “Put some butter in the frying pan”.
The underlined words means
a. Mix
b. Take
c. Pour
d. Place
9. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to entertain the readers
b. to tell how to make an omelet
c. to describe about an omelet
d. to inform what an omelet is
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