Notice : Catatan berupa (Himbauan)
Warning / Caution : Peringatan / Larangan
Notice, Warning and Caution biasanya diletakkan di tempat-tempat umum.
Keyword : Kata Kunci yang harus dihafalkan :
v Must : Harus, Must not : Tidak harus, tidak boleh
v May : Boleh, May not : Tidak boleh
v Allow – Allowed – Allowed : Membolehkan
v Permit – Permitted – Permitted : Mengizinkan
v Prohibit – Prohibitted – Prohibitted : Melarang
v Shall : akan, harus
v Should : seharusnya
Sebelum membahas contoh-contoh Notice, Warning dan Caution. Fahami dulu tentang kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif :
ü Kalimat Aktif adalah kalimat yang subyeknya melakukan pekerjaan
Example : I see a cat (Saya melihat seekor kucing)
ü Kalimat Pasif adalah kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai pekerjaan.
Example : A cat is seen by me (Seekor kucing dilihat oleh saya)
Ciri-ciri kalimat pasif :
- Subyeknya dikenai pekerjaan, contoh : seekor kucing dilihat oleh seekor ular, adik digigit oleh seekor kucing.
- Kata kerjanya memakai imbuhan Di / Ter, contoh : digigit, dipukul, terpukul, dilihat, dibaca, dibuka.
- Dalam bahasa Inggris kalimat pasif rumusnya : To Be + V3
Hafalkan Tobe berikut ini:
- To be Present : is, am, are
- To be Past Tense : was, were
- Khusus To be sesudah modal : Be
Can be, Could be : bisa di
Shall be : akan di
Should be : seharusnya di
Must be : harus di
- Memerlukan Kata kerja ketiga V3
Kata kerja ada 2 bentuk:
a. Regular Verb : Kata kerja beraturan :
V1 V2 V3
Work Worked Worked : bekerja
b. Irregular Verb : Kata kerja tidak beraturan:
V1 V2 V3
Go Went Gone : Pergi
No Smoking in this area
What does it mean?
- We must not smoke in this area (Kita tidak boleh merokok di kawasan ini)
- We may not smoke in this area (Kita tidak boleh merokok di kawasan ini)
- We can not smoke in this area (Kita tidak bisa merokok di kawasan ini)
- We are not allowed to smoke in this area (Kita tidak diperbolehkan merokok di kawasan ini)
- We are not permitted to smoke in this area (Kita tidak diizinkan merokok di kawasan ini)
- We are prohibited to smoke in this area (Kita dilarang merokok dikawasan ini)
Kemungkinan Pertanyaan.
1. Pada umumnya menanyakan artinya:
- What does the Notice mean? Apa makna Notice tersebut?
- What is the implied meaning of the Notice? Apa makna tersirat pada Notice?
- The caution reminds us that : Caution tersebut mengingatkan kita agar…
- The Notice warns……..Notice tersebut mengingatkan………..
2.Where can you find that Notice/ Warning/ Caution? Dimana kamu bisa menemukan Notice, Warning atau Caution tersebut.
Answer The following Questions:
- What does the notice tell you about?
- We should ride something in the area
- Pedestrians aren’t allowed in the area.
- We should all be pedestrians.
- We should walk in the area (taken from : Primagama)
- You read a notice in front of a house like the one below. What does it mean?
- People must not stop in front of it
- Visitors cannot drop by there now.
- Pedestrians may not cross there
- Other people must not enter it
(Taken from : Primagama)
- The following text means that..
What is the meaning of the caution above?
a. You can swim here
b. It is too risky to swim here
c. It is a right place to bring family to play
d. You can take a bath here
(Taken from Semester Test)
- What does the text mean?
What does the text mean?
- We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here.
- We have to add chemical materials on food
- We can put chemicals in the store room
- We can only put food in the unit
(Taken from Prediksi UNAS)
- Study this notice!
What does the notice mean?
a. We must have a pocket
b. We must be friendly to pickpockets
c. We must pick something in the pocket.
d. We must be careful of pickpockets
(Taken from Prediksi UNAS)
6. No Smoking
What does the notice mean…
a. We are allowed to smoke
b. We may smoke in this area
c. We must not permitted smoke
d. We must smoke in this area
7. No Parking
The notice above means ….
a. We are allowed to park in this area
b. We must not park in this area
c. We can park in this area
d. We are not prohibited to park in this area
8. Keep our class clean
What is the meaning of that notice…
a. We must clean our class every time
b. We will clean our class
c. We must not sweep our class
d. We should not throw the rubbish in our class into dustbin
9. Don’t feed the animals
The sign warns that….
a. People must give the food to the animals
b. People may give food to the animals
c. People are prohibited to give food to the animals
d. People are permitted to give the food to the animals
10. Keep silent.
a. the students can speak loudly
b. the students are not allowed to speak loudy
c. the student may speak loudly
d. the students could not speak silently.
11. Keep of the grass the grass
The notice reminds us that…
a. we must not step n the grass
b. we may step on the grass
c. we can tread on the grass
d. we are permitted to walk on the grass
12. 60 km/max
a. You can drive as fast as you can
b. You not drive more than 60 km per hour
c. You may not drive less than 60 km per hour
d. You drive at least 60 km per hour
13. Police’s car only
This notice means …
a. only Police car can park here.
b. every body can park here
c. policemen can’t park their cars.
d. every one can’t park here
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