Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


Assalammu’alaikum Wr Wb


The honorable juries, the contestants of English Story Telling Contest, ladies and gentlemen.
Praised to God because of his blessing we can attend in this special place and time, English Story Telling Contest.
First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Ardiansyah. I am from SMP 2 Yosowilangun.
Ok, the title of my story is ‘Malin Kundang’
The reason why I take this story, because the story remind us how to respect our parents every time.
The story of Malin Kundang tells us that forgetting our parents, in this case our mother, will make us getting punishment from our God. Remember! Our mother had been pregnant for us for nine months. Then, we should realize that our success is also coming from our parent’s praying. So, don’t be a wicked child like Malin Kundang in this story. Ok friends now, I will tell you the story.
            Long time ago there lived a poor widow in West Sumatra, She was Mande Rubiah. She had a son. His name was Malin Kundang. He was a good boy at that time. Mande Rubiah loved Malin Kundang so much.
            Time past time Malin Kundang growed to be a teenager. One day he said to his mother “Mother………we are so poor, we don’t have anything. I want to be rich, so… let me go. I want to get a good job for earning much money. Mande Rubiah replied “ Malin, you are my only son. I will follow what you want. But you must see me, if you have got your wishes. Malin said”Sure mother, I must go home, if I have been success. I will never forget you. If I forget you, let our God gives me a terrible punishment. His mother said “Malin, my praying will be with you. Malin replied “Good bye mother, please pray for me”.
            Malin was very lucky, on his way he met a rich ship captain. The captain had many merchant ships. The captain gave Malin a good job as a ship cleaner. Because of his honesty, the captain chose Malin as to be a porter. His captain loved Malin, because Malin worked so hard.
            When the captain was older, he asked Malin to marry his beautiful daughter. After getting marriage, Malin worked harder. He worked very successfully so that his captain (as his father in law) believed him in managing his business. When the captain passed away, he gave Malin all of his wealth. At that time Malin completely became a rich man. Unfortunately he turned to be so proud and arrogant. He tried to leave his last experiences as a poor man. He never sent any news to his old mother. Gradually Malin forgot his mother. On the contrary, his mother missed him very much day and night.
            One day Malin Kundang ship dropped anchor in the harbour at his mother land. Knowing Malin Kundang, Mande Rubiah came to Malin. “Malin! You are Malin, my beloved son. Now you have been success. You have got all your wishes. You must want to see me. You do your promise. I miss you my son. Let me hug you”.
            Knowing his mother came in her dirty dress, malin was so shy to admit his mother in front of his wife and men.
            Malin said “Hi, who are you poor  woman! Don’t come closer, your dress is so dirty. I am a rich man. My mother is very rich.
            “Malin, I am your mother, you mustn’t forget me. Said his mother.
            “No, you are crazy. I don’t have mother like you” Malin replied.
            Malin left his mother. He came into his ship.
            “Malin, Malin don’t leave me” said his mother.
            “Go away” said Malin. Then he shouted” Hi security take her away from me”.
The security took Mande Rubiah away from Malin sarcastically.
            Malin remembered his promise, but his arrogance banned him to admit that woman as his mother.
            Malin ship left Mande Rubiah. Mande Rubiah was so upset. Then she prayed to God” Oh God, I know he is my son. But why he is so wicked. Punish him as you wish”.
            The miracle came after Mande Rubiah praying. Suddenly the sky turned dark and the strong wind blew Malin’ ship violently. Malin and all of his guards were drowned.
            And you know what happened to Malin finally? The God punished him. Malin Kundang turned to be a stone before he realized his big mistakes to his real mother. So my friends, don’t be like Malin Kundang. He was so naughty and dare to his poor mother. He did not realize that all of his success was also coming from his mother’s praying. Won’t you?
            Ok, that’s all for the story.
            See you next time. Good bye………

Wassalammu’alaikum Wr Wb.

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