Rabu, 25 April 2012

Rhyming Words

Rhyming Words

Rhyming words help children remember words more easily. Kids think playing with words that rhyme is fun, so they stay engaged in learning longer. Rhyme also helps them learn about language.
They learn about word families and how words are put together. Kids also begin learning about the patterns, rhythms, and structure of language through simple rhymes. Help your child succeed in reading by using the following rhyming families. This is just a sample list of rhyming words to get you started. Look in your favorite books or a children's dictionary to make your own lists. The words are listed from easiest to hardest and in alphabetical order.
ack - back, lack, pack, rack, sack, tack, yak, black, knack, quack, slack, smack, snack, stack, track, whack, attack
ail -  bale, fail, hail, mail, male, nail, pail, tale, rail, sail, stale, scale, snail, whale, detail, email
air - air, bare, care, chair, dare, fair, hair, pair, rare, wear, chair, flare, stare, scare, share, spare, square, there, where, aware, beware, compare, declare, despair, prepare, repair, unfair
ake - ache, bake, fake, lake, make, rake, take, brake, break, flake, quake, snake, steak, awake, mistake
all - all, ball, call, doll, hall, fall, tall, crawl, small, baseball, football
an - an, can, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van, plan, scan, span, began
and - and, band, hand, land, sand, bland, command, demand, expand, stand, understand
ap - cap, gap, map, nap, tap, zap, chap, clap, flap, slap, snap, strap, trap, wrap
ar - are, bar, car, far, jar, tar, star, scar, afar, guitar
at - at, bat, fat, mat, pat, rat, sat, flat, that, splat, combat
ate - ate, date, fate, mate, late, gate, rate, wait, crate, great, plate, skate, slate, state, straight, trait, weight, create
ed - bed, dead, fed, head, led, read, red, said, bread, fled, spread, thread, tread, instead
ell - bell, fell, sell, well, yell, shell, smell, spell, farewell, hotel, motel
en - den, hen, men, pen, ten, glen, then, when, wren, again
et - bet, get, jet, let, met, pet, set, vet, wet, yet, threat, barrette, reset, upset
in - bin, chin, in, pin, tin, grin, thin, twin, skin, begin, within
ing - king, ring, sing, wing, zing, bring, cling, fling, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, thing
it - bit, fit, hit, it, kit, lit, pit, sit, flit, knit, quit, skit, slit, spit, split, admit, commit, permit
ite - bite, kite, bright, fight, fright, knight, night, might, right, tight, white, write, delight, tonight
oh - go, hoe, low, mow, row, sew, toe, blow, crow, dough, flow, know, glow, grow, know, show, slow, snow, stow, though, throw, ago, although, below
ot - cot, dot, got, hot, lot, not, pot, rot, tot, bought, fought, knot, taught, shot, spot, squat, forgot
ound - crowned, found, ground, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound, around, surround
oze - bows, hose, nose, rose, toes, blows, flows, froze, grows, those
ub - cub, rub, sub, tub, club, stub, scrub, shrub
un - bun, fun, gun, one, run, son, sun, ton, won, done, none, begun, outdone, undone
Have fun with your child using rhyming words to see how many they can get for each sound.

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